The Perils of Small Mining
What an overwrought album title, huh? Just who exactly do I think I am - Fall Out Boy?
Works of Art
In the near-infinite wisdom I’ve gained over the course of my thirty-seven years of existence, I’ve found that writing and recording songs is an inherently selfish thing to do.
We’ll Flash Forward to a Few Years Later…
It happened. As tends to be the case with our most beloved antiheroes, I’ve…uh, I’ve…lived long enough to see myself become the villain?
Megaturquoise - The Aftermath
Based on my calculations - finger in the air to check to wind, analysis of biometric pressure and unseasonal-but-slightly-dipping humidity quotient - we’ve reached mid-October, which means that Megaturquoise is approximately four months old.
At long last - after months of prelude, three singles, and endless yelling on social media - Megaturquoise is OUT, baby.
Part of This
ALRIGHT WIRELIGHT-HEADS (is that catchy? I might need to workshop it a bit. Wirelighters?): after a few months of chucking new music at you and talking it about extensively online, we’re finally coming up on the end of this promotional cycle.
Mostly Rain
You knew it was coming: a blog post about “Mostly Rain”, which is Single #2 of 3 in the lead-up to the release of Megaturquoise.
Life/Music in the Time of Coronavirus Part II
Oh damn, it’s been nine months since my last post - that’s not the way this was supposed to go at all.
Life/Music in the Time of Coronavirus
If there’s any sort of silver lining to a worldwide pandemic and the sort-of-mandatory-but-also-being-ignored-by-way-too-many-people isolation…
Autumnal Updates
April Up(date)
Okay, so it’s been a minute since my last post, but I haven’t forgot about my mission, which was/is to record and release a big-boy-sized EP during The Year of Our Lord 2019.
Wyoming + New Show Date + The Future
This is it. You’ve made it to the end of the 2018 Singles Release Extravaganza, and your prize is the last song on that list: “Wyoming.”
Tucson, Like It Or Not
August has swooped down upon us like a fiery but also vaguely damp phoenix, and you know what that means, or at least you SHOULD know what that means...wait, what does that mean?