Get Lost*
*First things first: If you linked to this blog post from an Instagram teaser for a feature supposedly penned by a musical outlet called “Braindead Music”, joke’s on you. I made that shit up. All of it. Music PR is kind of a racket, so why not just fake it?
With that out of the way, here we are, loyal listeners: kicking off the release cycle of a brand spankin’ new album with an upbeat single. Seems like we did this not so long ago in the dark ages of mid-2021 - I’m pleased as punch (as a bowl of PUNCH, goddammit!) that we get to do it all over again so soon and that this release will be somewhat less overshadowed by a global pandemic. There’s a new full-length album on the way, and it’s called “The Perils of Small Mining”, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about; no, we’re here to discuss GET LOST, the jam-and-a-half appetizer to get you all jazzed up for that scrumptious main course. First, let’s go ahead and get you over to the song by clicking here (or on the album art below).
Get Lost dates back to 2017 and enjoyed some choice placements on the hallowed setlists of now-deceased band Zero Beach, and as far anyone knew, both song and band ate shit coterminously. When it came time to kick off work on The Wirelight’s sophomore album, though, I felt it behooved me to tiptoe into the song graveyard (spooky!) to bestow a second chance at life upon those songs that truly deserved it (have you seen “All Dogs Go To Heaven”? Same thing.). Get Lost felt like an opportunity to a) shove a Strokes-y arrangement down your throat, b) finally deploy a ska-influenced guitar part (you’ll find it bouncing along in your right earbud during the verses); and c) once again showcase Emmanuel Echem’s exemplary horn work. The guy really elevates the hell out of anything I add him to. Also: Horns + Ska = Mighty Mighty Bosstones? But I digress. Eagle-eared listeners will also recognize the Mighty Mighty Basstones of Deke Spears throughout; this time around, he also added some crucial synth parts to the choruses.
Man, my 2017-era studio (depicted here) looks like trash. Can’t believe that red chair was still around.
Anyway, let’s not belabor this, as there’s just so much more to talk about over the next few months. Get Lost is big and fun, like a first single should be, and I hope it knocks your socks off and that your feet aren’t too cold with no socks on. I like that the lyrics have a thematic tie-in to the album title, which, by the way, is a paraphrased Steinbeck quote - you’re welcome to look it up, but that’s on you. This post is no the place for literary analysis (but a later one might be).
Oh, oh: here’s an early demo for you to listen to awkwardly. A lot of the bones are there, but it’s come a long way, baby.