I promised you a song a month, and by god, I'm going to deliver a song a month. I'm not one to renege on blood oaths to the internet.
Something (Awesome) This Way Comes...
So, here we are: it's getting up on mid-2018, and I'm squatting on a stockpile of songs like I'm the goddamned golden goose and they're my goddamned golden goose eggs.
Five Big-Time Influential Albums
In the interest of generating some content - and so that you don’t think I’m just resting on my laurels over here (I’m not, I’ve been recording and stockpiling sick tunes and trying to figure out what to do with them) - I’m going to talk about some albums that were instrumental in shaping me into the strapping young songwriter I’ve become.
Song #2: Rosalina
Since my upcoming single only contains two songs (which, really - shouldn't that be a "double"?