Autumnal Updates


Although, wait - does “all hallows’ eve” actually refer to Halloween or the day before it? “Christmas Eve” is definitely, like, the evening before Christmas, so the “eve” of “all hallows’” should be the day before all of these supposed “hallows”. I guess the sticking point here is that I’m not sure what “all hallows’” is. If Halloween = All Hallows’ Eve = October 31st = the day before all hallows’, then I have no idea what “all hallows’” is, unless it’s just November 1st, and November 1st isn’t anything other than November 1st, as far as I know.

Wow, I am WAY off track with this update. Bear with me while I do a hard reset.


Okay. It’s October 31st, and it’s Halloween, and I’m not sure what else today might be called, but I’m comin’ atcha hard with some Wirelight updates. What kind of updates? GLAD YOU ASKED, FRIENDO, because they’re the kind of updates that sound like THIS:

God, there’s so much preamble and so little content in this post so far. I should start over, but at this point I’m already a few sentences into my fourth paragraph, and if I did start over, I’d probably end up doing the same thing again.

I’ve been hard at work finalizing a really delicious collection of songs for you to stuff in your eardrums like cotton balls, and I’m finally getting pretty close to releasing them. They number seven in total - five recorded, produced, and mixed by me, and two that were outsourced in part - and I’m thinking that I may release the two outliers as a single in the next month or so in an effort to generate a little momentum in anticipation of the bigger EP release in LATE-late 2019 or early 2020.

The two songs on the single are Josephine and Cardinal Red, and boy howdy are they quite different from one another. Josephine is an up-tempo, acoustic, not-really-Mumford-y but also not-that-far-from-Mumford-y folk jam with a healthy dash of synth mixed in, and Cardinal Red is a moody, multi-stage ballad that, clocking in at nearly six minutes, can also stake its claim as the longest song I’ve ever recorded. Hopefully, if one of those turns you off, the other one turns you on, so everyone can listen to this single and be turned on as hell. If they both turn you on, lock all the doors, because you’re in for one unforgettable, terrifying night in the woods.

So keep an eye out for that. And hey, don’t forget about my 2018 singles, because they’re all still hanging out on Spotify and jonesing for your attention:


Life/Music in the Time of Coronavirus


April Up(date)